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Eliza Gordon Mystery Series

Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Amy Beth Arkawy writes the Eliza Gordon Mystery Series which started in 2011 and is set in New York. It features former soap opera star, Eliza Gordon who has moved to a small town and now owns, Soup Opera, where Eliza Gordon is serving up more than her delectable butternut squash soup and killer Cajun chicken wraps. It seems everyone who comes in craves a side order of gossip. And Eliza, who’s a “newbie,” having lived here only five years, is as eager as anyone to devour the ins and out of small town life. You'll meetthe regulars such as -- theatre impresario, Pippa De Long, who tempts Eliza’s thespian urges with the lead in Double Indemnity: The Musical at the community playhouse; Tom Santini, the dishy police chief, who, along with his bowl of clam chowder, nurses romantic feelings for Eliza ( who happens to be his late best friend’s widow); Gus Delano, celebrity chef and philanderer and his wife Midge Sumner, a local radio DJ, who has become Eliza’s best pal and unwitting sleuthing partner.

Dead Silent (Eliza Gordon Mystery #2)