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Down South Cafe Mystery Series

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New in 2016

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Gayle Leeson (aka Gayle Trent) writes the Down South Cafe Mystery Series which starts in June 2016 and is set in Virginia. It features aspiring chef and small-town Virginia native Amy Flowers. She is ready to open her own café offering old-fashioned Southern food. But her dream may go up in smoke when someone kills the competition...

The Calamity Cafe (Down South Cafe Mystery #1) Silence of the Jams (Down South Cafe Mystery #2) Honey-Baked Homicide (Down South Cafe Mystery #3) Apples and Alibis (Down South Cafe Mystery #4) Fruit Baskets and Holiday Caskets (Down South Cafe Mystery #5) Truffles and Tragedy (Down South Cafe Mystery #6) Cake and I Scream (Down South Cafe Mystery #7)