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Custer's Mill Mystery Series

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New in 2015

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Mary Fulk Larson is... * Mary M. Smith, Ed.D., who enjoyed a thirty-year career as a public school teacher, university professor, and curriculum developer, and now offers her services to community and church organizations; * Tammy Fulk Cullers, M.A. Ed., who teaches middle school English, grows low-maintenance plants, plays piano and collects green glass; and * Barbara Larson Finnegan, M.B.A., who is a master gardener and CFO of a small publishing company where she wears a variety of hats. Together they write the Custer's Mill Mystery series which started in November 2015 and is set in Virginia. It features Librarian Emma Kramer and her venerable library volunteers. In the first book Emma and the library volunteers join forces with the new county investigator to solve the murder of the town’s wealthy matriarch, and to save their cherished library building from the bulldozer.

Murder on Rosemary Street (Custer's Mill Mystery #1)