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Cranberry Cove Mystery Series

Farms & Orchards
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New in 2015

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Peg Cochran writes the Cranberry Cove Mystery series which starts in August 2015 and is set in Michigan. It features Monica Albertson who comes to Cranberry Cove—a charming town on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan—to help her half-brother Jeff on his cranberry farm. In the first book, Berried Secrets, the last thing she expects to harvest is a dead body.

Berried Secrets (Cranberry Cove Mystery #1) Berry the Hatchet (Cranberry Cove Mystery #2) Dead and Berried (Cranberry Cove Mystery #3) Berried at Sea (Cranberry Cove Mystery #4) Berried in the Past (Cranberry Cove Mystery #5) Berried Motives (Cranberry Cove Mystery #6) Berry the Evidence (Cranberry Cove Mystery #7) Berried Grievances (Cranberry Cove Mystery #8)