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County Cork Mysteries

Amateur Sleuth
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2013

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Sheila Connolly writes the County Cork Mystery series which started in February 2013 and is set in Ireland. It features Maura Donovan who honors the last wishes of her late grandmother and visits the small Irish village where her Gran was born. She takes on a job in one of the local pubs and finds herself solving murders in this quaint Irish town. Sheila writes the The Orchard Series which started in 2008 and is set in Massachusetts. She also writes The Museum Series.

Buried in a Bog (County Cork Mystery Series #1) Scandal in Skibbereen (County Cork Mystery Series #2) An Early Wake (County Cork Mystery #3) A Turn for the Bad (County Cork Mystery #4) Cruel Winter (County Cork Mystery #5) Many a Twist (County Cork Mystery #6) The Lost Traveller (County Cork Mystery #7) Tied Up with a Bow (County Cork Mystery Novella) Fatal Roots (County Cork Mystery #8)