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Celebration Bay Mystery Series

Party Planner & Event Planner
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2012

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This series started in September 2012 and takes place in New York. It features Liv Montgomery who leaves a busy career as an event planner in New York City to move to a small town-- Celebration Bay, NY on Lake Champlain. She takes a job as event organizer and thinks things are going to be easy and run smoothly. Liv and her rescued Westie Terrier, Whiskey, soon find out small towns aren't as quiet as they seem. The cannery in Celebration Bay closed and almost everyone lost their job. The residents didn’t despair; they threw a party. The whole county came and a new industry was born—Tourism. Now every day’s a holiday in Celebration Bay! Join them for a little fun, mayhem, and murder!

Foul Play at the Fair (Celebration Bay Mystery  Series #1) Silent Knife (Celebration Bay Mystery Series #2) Independence Slay (Celebration Bay Mystery Series #3) Trawling for Trouble (Celebration Bay Mystery Series Novella) Trick or Deceit (A Celebration Bay Mystery Series #4)