Patricia McLinn writes the Caught Dead in Wyoming Mystery series which started in and is set in Wyoming. It features TV reporter Elizabeth “E.M.” Danniher. The series is set in Cottonwood County, Wyoming. It is east of Yellowstone Park, south of Montana, north of the Wind River, west of the Big Horn Mountains and found on no map you’ll find. It has a slice of the Absaroka Mountains, a bit of the Snake River, plenty of range land, and a need for irrigation. Its county seat is Sherman, which is less important than Cheyenne, smaller than Cody, less organized than Sheridan, and far less urbane than Jackson Hole. It is also among the smallest broadcast TV markets in the United States, which makes KWMT-TV one of the last places Elizabeth “E.M.” Danniher expected to find herself.
Newspaper & Reporter & Writer
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2012
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