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Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Capers Mystery Series

Young Adult
Series Age
Before 2011

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Cindy Vincent writes the Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Capers Mystery series. It features two black cats, Buckley and Bogey who run their own cat detective agency. And though they’re both black cats, they couldn’t be more different. Bogey is slim and sleek, and he generally takes things in stride. Buckley, on the other hand, is a gigantic Maine Coon cat with an anxiety disorder. This series is geared toward middle-grade mystery novels for kids and cat lovers of all ages!

The Case of the Cat Show Princess (Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Caper #1) The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks (Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Caper #2) The Case of the Jewel Covered Cat Statues (Buckley and Bogey Cat Detective Caper #3)