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Bewitching Mystery Series

Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Bringing a little culture to Stony Mill, Indiana, Enchantments is one of the area's finest antique shops. But shop clerk Maggie O'Neill and her employer Felicity Dow do more than conjure up curios for the locals--the each possess a talent for spellbinding sleuthing. Bored with her office job (and subsequently fired for excessive tardiness), Maggie jumps at the opportunity to work at Enchantments. She was a little weirded out when Felicity described herself as a witch, but if her boss wants to play with broomsticks and cauldrons, where's the harm?

The Trouble with Magic (Bewitching Series #1) A Charmed Death (Bewitching Series #2) Hex Marks the Spot (Bewitching Series #3) No Rest for the Wiccan (Bewitching Series #4) Where There's a Witch There's a Way (Bewitching Series #5) A Witch in Time (Bewitching Series #6) Home for a Spell (Bewitching Series #7)