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Bailey Ruth Raeburn Series

Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Bailey Ruth Raeburn — who happens to be dead. Bailey Ruth has been sent back to her own home town of Adelaide, Oklahoma, to protect people facing serious dangers. As much as Bailey Ruth loves being with her husband in Heaven — she is thrilled to be able to return to a beloved place where she had a very good life. 

Ghost at Work (Bailey Ruth Raeburn Series #1) Merry, Merry Ghost (Bailey Ruth Raeburn Series #2) Ghost in Trouble (Bailey Ruth Raeburn Series #3) Ghost Wanted (Bailey Ruth Raeburn Series #5) Ghost to the Rescue (Bailey Ruth Raeburn Series #6) Ghost Times Two (Bailey Ruth Raeburn Series #7) Ghost on the Case (Bailey Ruth Raeburn Series #8) Ghost Ups Her Game (Bailey Ruth Raeburn #9) Ghost Blows a Kiss (Bailey Ruth Raeburn Series #10)