When Lori Shepherd was a little girl she used to lie in bed at night with a stuffed rabbit named Reginald and listen to her mother's stories of the indomitable Aunt Dimity, who lived in far-off England. But now Lori is a newly divorced, down-on-her-luck grownup, her mother is dead, and Lori's long since realized that Aunt Dimity was just a character in a comforting bedtime story. Or was she? One day the bedraggled Lori is summoned from the latest of her dreadful temp jobs to the Dickensian law firm of Willis U Willis. There Willises Junior and Senior inform her that Aunt Dimity was indeed a real person--a very rich real person who's just died and left Lori a respectable bequest. Unfortunately, there's one catch: Lori must visit Aunt Dimity's English cottage and find a secret hidden among the treasure trove of letters written by her mother and Dimity over the four decades of their friendship.
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011
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