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Alaska Wild Mystery Series

Newspaper & Reporter & Writer
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2019

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Paige Shelton writes the Alaska Wild Mystery Series which started in December 2019 and is set in Alaska. Beth Rivers, known to the world as Elizabeth Fairchild, has spent years as a bestselling novelist. Her twisty, page-turning thrillers have garnered a legion of fans, but unfortunately, her story-telling landed her in an unbelievable tale of her own—a situation even more terrifying than she could have dreamed. Scarred and still healing from her injuries, she secretly escapes to the beautiful—and very remote—Benedict, Alaska...

Thin Ice (Alaska Wild Mystery #1) Cold Wind (Alaska Wild Mystery #2) Dark Night (Alaska Wild Mystery #3) Winter's End (Alaska Wild Mystery #4) Lost Hours (Alaska Wild Mystery #5)