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Handcrafted Mystery Series

Crochet & Knitting & Weaving
Embroidery & Needlecraft & Needlepoint
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2018

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Holly Quinn writes the Handcrafted Mystery Series which started in October 2018 and is set in Wisconsin. When a heartbroken Samantha “Sammy” Kane returns to her hometown of Heartsford, WI, for her best friend Kate’s funeral, she learns that Kate’s much-loved craft store is in danger of perishing with its owner. Confounding all her expectations of the life she would live, Sammy moves back home with her golden retriever and takes over Community Craft.

A Crafter Knits a Clue (Handcrafted Mystery #1) A Crafter Hooks a Killer (Handcrafted Mystery #2) A Crafter Quilts a Crime (Handcrafted Mystery #3)