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Eleanor Wilde Mystery Series

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New in 2018

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Tamara Berry writes the Eleanor Wilde Mystery Series which started in 2018 and is set in England.  It features fake medium Eleanor Wilde. Ellie has an ailing sister to care for and working as a ghost hunter helps cover the bills. She is very good at solving “hauntings” that have an all too tangible origin while giving the believers what they crave most: confirmation that there is such a thing as a ghost. Ellie eventually sets up a shop in the quaint English village selling mystical elixirs and tantalizing tonics which is a pretty good way for a fake medium to earn a living.

Séances Are for Suckers (Eleanor Wilde Mystery #1) Potions Are for Pushovers (Eleanor Wilde Mystery #2) Curses Are for Cads (Eleanor Wilde Mystery #3) Hypnosis Is for Hacks (Eleanor Wilde Mystery #4)