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Deputy Donut Mystery Series

Bakery & Desserts
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New in 2018

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Ginger Bolton (aka Janet Bolin) writes the Deputy Donut Mystery Series which started in January 2018 and is set in Wisconsin. It features Emily Westhill who runs the best donut shop in Fallingbrook, Wisconsin, alongside her retired police chief father-in-law and her tabby Deputy Donut.

Survival of the Fritters (Deputy Donut Mystery #1) Goodbye Cruller World (Deputy Donut Mystery #2) Jealousy Filled Donuts (Deputy Donut Mystery #3) Boston Scream Murder (Deputy Donut Mystery #4) Beyond a Reasonable Donut (Deputy Donut Mystery #5) Deck the Donuts (Deputy Donut Mystery #6) Cinnamon Twisted (Deputy Donut Mystery #7) Double Grudge Donuts (Deputy Donut Mystery #8)