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Cobble Cove Mystery Series

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Debbie De Louise writes the Cobble Cove Mystery Series which started in 2017 and is set in New York.   It features widowed librarian Alicia Fairmont. After her husband is killed in a hit and run accident, Alicia travels upstate to his hometown of Cobble Cove, New York. She hopes to locate his estranged family and shed light on his mysterious past. Anticipating staying only a weekend, her visit is extended when she accepts a job at the town’s library. Explore story series based on Cobble Cove:

A Stone's Throw (Cobble Cove Mystery #1) Between a Rock and a Hard Place (Cobble Cove Mystery #2) Written in Stone (Cobble Cove Mystery #3) Love on the Rocks (Cobble Cove Mystery #4) No Gravestone Unturned (Cobble Cove Mystery #5)