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Chef-to-Go Mystery Series

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New in 2018

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Denise Swanson writes the Chef-to-Go Mystery Series which started in April 2018. It features Dani who has hit a dead-end in her career. She unexpectedly inherits an enormous old house in a quaint college town. This gives her the perfect opportunity to pursue her true passion―cooking! So Dani opens Chef-to-Go, preparing delicious, ready-made meals for hungry students attending the nearby university, as well as providing personal chef services and catering events for the local community. To help support her new business, she opens her home to a few students, renting them rooms and becoming almost like a big sister figure in their lives.

Tart of Darkness (Chef-to-Go Mystery #1) Leave No Scone Unturned (Chef-to-Go Mystery #2) Winner Cake All (Chef-to-Go Mystery #3) Chili Chili Bang Bang (Chef-to-Go Mystery #4)