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The Charmed Pie Shoppe Mysteries

Bakery & Desserts
Series Takes Place In
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New in 2012

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When the going gets tough, Ella Mae LaFaye bakes pies. So when she catches her husband cheating in New York, she heads back home to Havenwood, Georgia, where she can drown her sorrows in fresh fruit filling and flakey crust. But her pies aren't just delicious. They're having magical effects on the people who eat them--and the public is hungry for more.

Pies and Prejudice (Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery #1) Peach Pies and Alibis (Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery #2) Pecan Pies and Homicides (Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery #3) Lemon Pies and Little White Lies (Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery #4) Breach of Crust (Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery #5)