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The Body in Someone Else's Bed (Jazzi Zanders #10)

Author: Series: Publication Date:
April 2023

Jazzi has her hands full. She has a new baby. Ansel and Jerod have started to convert an old warehouse the three of them bought into condos. And, of course, there's another murder to solve.
Jazzi's cousin, Jerod, rushes to the hospital to be the first in line to hold Jazzi and Ansel's new baby boy, but when the family comes into the room to see Toby, Jerod's not there. It turns out his wife's sister, Rachel, has been taken to the police station. Jerod has to watch her little girl while she's being questioned for killing her almost ex-husband. Luckily, Rachel isn't the only person with a motive to wish Damian dead. With a baby in tow, Jazzi doesn't go looking for suspects. No matter. The suspects come to her, and they all want her to prove that they're innocent.