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Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery Series

Amateur Sleuth
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2016

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Kathi Daley writes Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery Series which starts in March 2015 and is set in Hawaii. It features lifeguard Kailani Pope. She comes from a long line of police officers.She has passed all the requirements to be selected for the police academy but somehow her number never seems to come up. While she is waiting for her name to work its way to the top of the list she works as a lifeguard for the Dolphin Bay Resort.

Murder at Dolphin Bay (Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery #1) Murder at Sunrise (Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery #2) Murder at the Witching Hour (Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery #3) Murder at Christmas (Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery #4) Murder At Turtle Cove (Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery #5) Murder at Waters Edge (Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery #6) Murder at Midnight (Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery #7) Murder at Pope Investigations (Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery #8)