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Renaissance Faire Mysteries Series

Amateur Sleuth
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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This series started in 2008 and set in South Carolina. It features assistant college professor and USC doctoral candidate Jessie Morton who also studies medieval crafts every summer at Columbia, S.C.'s Renaissance Faire Village. She finds herself entangled in murders.

Wicked Weaves (Renaissance Faire Mystery Series #1) Ghastly Glass (Renaissance Faire Mystery Series #2) Deadly Daggers (Renaissance Faire Mystery Series #3) Harrowing Hats (Renaissance Faire Mystery Series #4) Treacherous Toys (Renaissance Faire Mysteries Series #5) Murderous Matrimony  (Renaissance Faire Mysteries Series #6) Bewitching Boots (Renaissance Faire Mysteries Series #7) Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Faire Mystery #8)