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Whiskey, Tango & Foxtrot Mystery Series

Series Age
New in 2014

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Dixie Lyle writes the Whiskey, Tango & Foxtrot Mystery series which started in February 2014. It features Deirdre “Foxtrot” Lancaster. Trusted employee of eccentric zillionairess Zelda Zoransky, Foxtrot manages a mansion, a private zoo, and anything else that strikes her boss’s fancy. Her job title is Administrative Assistant, but chaos handler would be more accurate. This series also features Foxtrot's cat Tango—her dead cat Tango—alive and well and communicating telepathically. But that’s not all: There’s an ectoplasmic dog named Tiny who changes breeds with a shake of his tail…

A Taste Fur Murder (Whiskey, Tango & Foxtrot Mystery #1) To Die Fur (Whiskey, Tango & Foxtrot Mystery #2) Marked Fur Murder (Whiskey Tango & Foxtrot Mystery #3) A Deadly Tail (Whiskey Tango & Foxtrot Mystery #4)