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Tallie Graver Mystery Series

Amateur Sleuth
Series Age
New in 2017

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Misty Simon writes the Tallie Graver Mystery Series which started in October 2017. It features Tallulah Graver who married wealthy Waldo Phillips to escape her family business, the Graver Funeral Home. But when her marriage falls apart and Tallie is left with next to nothing, she turns to cleaning houses to make ends meet. As humbling as it is to tidy the mansions of the snobby socialites she used to call friends, at least she doesn't have to be around dead bodies. Until . . .

Cremains of the Day (Tallie Graver Mystery #1) Grounds for Remorse (Tallie Graver Mystery #2) Deceased and Desist (Tallie Graver Mystery #3) Carpet Diem (Tallie Graver Mystery #4) Varnished without a Trace (Tallie Graver Mystery #5)