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Pippin Lane Hawthorne Mystery Series

Bed and Breakfast & Inn & Hotel
Series Takes Place In
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New in 2020

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Melissa Bourbon and Wendy Lyn Watson write the Pippin Lane Hawthorne Mystery Series which is set in Oregon and North Carolina.  Cousins Pippin Lane Hawthorne and Cora Lane live on opposite coasts (Pippin in Devil’s Cove, North Carolina, and Cora in Laurel Point, Oregon), but they share the family gift of bibliomancy:  the ability to foresee the future and unravel the past with the help of the books we love.  Their mother died when they were six years old and their father disappeared a few years later. Some say he deserted his kids, but is that what really happened? Years later Pippin and Grey return to Devil's Cove to turn their parents house into a Bed 'n Breakfast. What mysteries will they unravel? Who was the person murdered and why?

Murder in Devil's Cove (Pippin Lane Hawthorne #1) The Secret on Rum Runner's Lane (Pippin Lane Hawthorne Short Story) Murder at Sea Captain's Inn (Pippin Lane Hawthorne #3) Murder Through an Open Door (Pippin Lane Hawthorne #4) Murder and an Irish Curse (Pippin Lane Hawthorne #5)