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Mrs. Bundle Mystery Series

Detective & Police & Gov Agency
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Allison Cesario Paton writes the Mrs. Bundle Mystery series which started in 2003 and is set in Vermont. It features Mrs. Bundle who is a woman of mature age living in farm country in Vermont. Mrs. Bundle has a fledgling B and C Detective Agency and solves mysteries with her cat, Cracker, who helps her, along with her teenage neighbor, Angie Andersen. Cat lovers are always entertained by her favorite sidekick: the refined, loyal, and a tad prudish Cracker, who loves a challenge and faithfully enjoys 'helping' her solve each case. This series sounds very interesting. Currently, there are 5 books in the series and Allison is working on books 6 through 9! NOTE: You can purchase these books through Amazon, however it might be confusing. You have to click on one of the link options in order to purchase this book from the author. EX: you might see the link '6 new from $19.69'. (Make sure to click the link that offers NEW books). After clicking on that link you'll see a list of providers who are offering the book. The author's link will be 'Bundle Publishing'. By the way, the author will send you an autographed copy of the book. She also offers beautiful watercolors on her website. NOTE 2: You can also go directly to her website to purchase the book but I would appreciate it if you would click on Amazon and purchase the book from her that way so that I get the credit! :O)

Mrs. Bundle Takes a Hike: The Case of the Singing Swans (#1) Mrs. Bundle's Dog Days of Summer: A Case of Artful Arson (#2) Mrs. Bundle's Maine Vacation: Subterfuge at the Seashore  (#3) Mrs. Bundle's Hair-raising Adventures: Peril on Skitchewaug Mountain and Other Tales of Mystery (#4) Mrs. Bundle's Midnight Mystery: The Case of the Springfield Shock Jock (#5)