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Missing Pieces Mysteries

Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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This series started in 2010 and takes place in North Carolina. This is a seaside-set paranormal mystery. It features Dae O'Donnell, a woman with a gift for finding lost things-and the stories behind lost lives. Dae O'Donnell is the mayor of Duck, North Carolina-and the person everyone turns to when they've lost something. One touch and Dae can find it, and missing pieces seem to find their way to her, whether she wants them to or not.

A Timely Vision (Missing Pieces Series #1) A Touch of Gold (Missing Pieces  Series #2) A Spirited Gift (Missing Pieces Series #3) A Haunting Dream (Missing Pieces Series #4) A Finder's Fee (A Missing Pieces Mystery #5) Dae's Christmas Past (Missing Pieces Mystery #6) A Watery Death (Missing Pieces Mystery #7)