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Liv And Di In Dixie Mystery Series

Party Planner & Event Planner
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2015

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Vickie Fee writes the Liv And Di In Dixie Mystery series which starts in December 2015 and is set in Tennessee. It features party planner Liv McKay who has a knack for throwing Southern-style soirées, from diamonds-and-denim to black tie affairs, and her best friend Di Souther mixes a mean daiquiri...

Death Crashes the Party (Liv And Di In Dixie Mystery #1) It's Your Party, Die If You Want To (Liv And Di In Dixie Mystery #2) One Fete in the Grave (Liv And Di In Dixie Mystery #3) Til Death Do Us Party (Liv And Di In Dixie Mystery #4)