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Haunted Craft Fair Mystery Series

Art & Artist
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New in 2019

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Rose Pressey writes the Haunted Craft Fair Mystery Series which started in October 2019 and is set in Tennessee. It features Artist Celeste Cabot who welcomes the chance to show her paintings at a craft fair in her hometown of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, where she and her Chihuahua, Van Gogh, can park her vintage Shasta trailer and sell her creations, too. She has psychic abilities. She can see ghosts.

Murder Can Mess Up Your Masterpiece (A Haunted Craft Fair #1) Murder Can Confuse Your Chihuahua (A Haunted Craft Fair #2) Murder Can Haunt Your Handiwork (A Haunted Craft Fair #3) Murder Can Frost Your Doughnut (A Haunted Craft Fair #4)