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Cook-Off Mystery Series

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New in 2018

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Devon Delaney writes the Cook-Off Mystery Series which is set in Connecticut and started in April 2018. After a short-lived marriage, Sherry Frazzelle is living single life to the fullest in her little Connecticut town, accompanied by her Jack Russell terrier, Chutney. Her new passion is competitive cooking—but it turns out that murder is the surprise ingredient . . .

Expiration Date (A Cook-Off Mystery #1) Final Roasting Place (A Cook-Off Mystery #2) Guilty as Charred (A Cook-Off Mystery #3) Eat, Drink and Be Wary (A Cook-Off Mystery #4) Double Chocolate Cookie Murder (A Cook-Off Mystery #5) A Half-Baked Alibi (A Cook-Off Mystery #6) Murder for Good Measure (A Cook-Off Mystery #7) Serving Up Spite (A Cook-Off Mystery #8)