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Vish Puri Mystery Series

Detective & Police & Gov Agency
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
Before 2011

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Tarquin Hall writes the Vish Puri Mystery Series which started in 2010 and is set in Delhi, India. It features India's most private investigator Vish Puri. He is Portly, persistent, and unmistakably Punjabi. Puri's main work comes from screening prospective marriage partners, a job once the preserve of aunties and family priests. Puri works with his team of undercover operatives - Tubelight, Flush, and Facecream - Puri combines modern techniques with principles of detection established in India more than two thousand years ago, and reveals modern India in all its seething complexity.

The Case of the Missing Servant (Vish Puri Series #1) The Case of the Man Who Died Laughing (Vish Puri Series #2) The Case of the Deadly Butter Chicken (Vish Puri Series #3) The Case of the Love Commandos (Vish Puri Series #4) Case of the Reincarnated Client (Vish Puri Series #5)