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Teapot Collecting Mystery Series

Coffee & Tea & Herbalist
Series Takes Place In
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New in 2014

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Amanda Cooper (aka Victoria Hamilton, Donna Lee Simpson) writes the Teapot Collecting Mystery Series which started in June 2014. It's set in New York. Tucked away in the Finger Lakes region of Upstate New York is the charming town of Gracious Grove, where time moves slowly, gossip spreads quickly, and the scones are to die for. When her fashionable Manhattan restaurant goes under, Sophie Taylor retreats to her grandmother’s cozy shop, Auntie Rose’s Victorian Teahouse, where serenity is steeped to perfection in one of her many antique teapots. The last thing Sophie expects is a bustling calendar of teahouse events... especially murder!

Tempest in a Teapot (Teapot Collecting Mystery Series #1) Shadow of a Spout (Teapot Collecting Mystery Series #2) The Grim Steeper (Teapot Collecting Mystery Series #3)