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Honeymoon Falls Mystery Series

Detective & Police & Gov Agency
Series Takes Place In
Series Age
New in 2015

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Allan Emerson writes the Honeymoon Falls Mystery series which started in June 2015 and is set in Canada. It features Captain Will Halsey, head of Honeymoon Falls' three-person police force. Care for some marital murder? Enjoy a nice parade? Then it's time to visit Honeymoon Falls, the little resort town that celebrates all things matrimonial. In the first book... when the body of writer Iris Morland is discovered in full bridal array atop a gigantic wedding cake parade float, Honeymoon Falls is left reeling. Not only is its reputation as the Romance Capital of the World at risk, its very survival is threatened. Murder, it seems, has a chilling effect on those considering venues for potential nuptials.

Death of a Bride and Groom (Honeymoon Falls Mystery #1)